Cupping (Hijama) therapy
Hijama (cupping therapy) is a preventative medicine, it can be beneficial in following and many more conditions e.g. Back pain, Neck pain, sciatica, Knee, elbow, heel & foot pain, Sprains & strains, lumbar pain, pain…
Face Cupping
face cupping is a best therapy designed to improve the appearance of facial skin and reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness around the eyes, facial scarring, sagging skin and double chins. Symptoms of rosacea and acne are also removed and it works to alleviate headaches and earaches.
Fire Cupping
Fire Cupping This kind of cupping is also called flash-fire cupping or Shanhuofa in Chinese cupping. A cotton ball is soaked in a solution that contains up to 70% alcohol. The ball is held by a pair of forceps or pliers and lit with matches or a lighter. It is held inside the cup to create heat and then quickly removed before inverting the cup on the skin